Booklists: opinions, please!


I'm back from England with fingers itching to write. In the next few weeks, I'll be adding quite a bit to the site in preparation for the launch, but I would love your input on one particular thing before I start: booklists. What lists would you particularly enjoy finding on this site? Books for boys? A list of poetry favorites? Fantasy recommendations? Medieval history? I would love your recommendations as I will be working on adding a good few more lists to the site this week.

Weigh in here in the comments section and I'll get straight to work.

I hope your summer has been a lovely one, crammed with sunlight and rollicking stories and long walks and outdoor discoveries. I can't believe that autumn is drawing near so very quickly, but the fireside season just means more time to cozy up and... read! For now though, may you savor, with Henry James the last days of this golden season:

Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language...