Our Mission (3 of 4): Enabling Christian Parents


We work to create and place into hands of Christian parents resources, tools, and ideas to shape their children’s hearts.

If you want to build a house, you need good tools. If you want to build a family, the same principle is at work. The better the tools you have to work with, the stronger your family will be and the longer your home will stand. From the very start of this ministry, we have been committed to creating good tools for Christian parents—to build their children, their home, their testimony, and their heritage.

Enabling is the “hands-on” extension of encouragement and equipping. Our tools are parental empowerment for building a Christian home. They are primarily words—written, spoken, printed, posted—that come from God’s Word. They are tools to build the kind of “house” that Jesus describes in the Sermon on the Mount that, even though pummeled by rains, floods, and wind, would not fall because “it had been founded on the rock” (Matthew 7:25).

Peter starts his second letter with a powerful picture of enabling. He exhorts his readers to diligently build faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love into their lives. These qualities, he says, will ensure that the believer is useful and fruitful “in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:2-11). We design our enabling tools and ministries to give parents confidence in Peter’s promise. It’s what we want for our own children.

Materials and Ministries:

  • Our 24 Family Ways

  • Mom Heart groups

  • Book study guides

  • 10 Gifts of Heart

  • Leader Intensive Training