Whole Heart Beats - May 2022

Time flies when you’re navigating pandemics, social change, elections, and moves forth and back between Colorado and Oxford in the UK. But, since last we posted in 2020, life goes on. We’ll try to do better posting updates going forward.

Since Sept of 2020, we’ve worked about half the year in Oxford with an evangelical Anglican church. If all goes as planned with a new visa, Sally will be starting a new ministry with a different Oxford church beginning fall of 2022. It is a classic church in the heart of Oxford with a rich history and a beautiful older building and worship facility. Although we had become friends with several of their staff, we didn’t ask them; they came to Sally completely unexpectedly to ask her to help them develop a ministry to reach out to women and moms in Oxford. God has given us a rare opportunity to use our messages and experience to start something new and needed in our ancestral homeland. We’ll keep you posted.

Clay, as publisher of Whole Heart Press, is giving our book publishing ministry a fresh start. We started Whole Heart as a publishing ministry, so he’s going back to our roots as a “ministry in print.” We’re excited to finally have Seasons of a Mother’s Heart back in print, as well as a refreshed version of Your Mom Walk with God. We’ve also updated and released Own Your Life Experience, a companion study guide by Sally and Joy for Sally’s book Own Your Life. More refresh-ments of our best books are on the way but, even more exciting, new original books will be coming soon. We’re especially chuffed (Britspeak) about new books for our Storyformed Books imprint. We’ve been championing and recommending illustrated storybooks for children for 20+ years and now we’ll finally begin putting our imprimatur on that imprint. Stay tuned. Much more to come.