PSALM 127:3 – Your Mom Heart
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.
Many Christian mothers today are confused and directionless in their search for meaning as a mother. Motherhood seems to them just an incidental part of marriage that needs to be planned, managed, and too often endured. They have lost sight of their place as a mother in the grand story of God’s redemption of his fallen creation.
As a Mom Heart group leader, you can help a new generation of mothers discover God’s mom heart—the eternal principles of motherhood that bring the greatest benefit and blessing not just to mothers and children, but to future generations of godly descendants, to your family and community culture, and even to civilization. You can help a mother find her place as an integral and strategic part of God’s plan of redemption.
Your role as a Mom Heart group leader and teacher begins with your own mom heart. The simplest expression of what it means to have a mom heart is a personal affirmation of Psalm 127:3—that you believe that your children are a gift from God, and a reward in this life. If that is your starting point, then it will take you naturally to wanting to help other mothers find that “mom heart” from God. That is how you can truly love your Mom Heart group, by helping each mother find and strengthen her own mom heart.Excerpt from Taking Motherhood to Hearts.