Extroverts Add Spice to Life (and Mom Heart Groups!)

Are you an outgoing person?  Are your group members?  Having extroverts in your Mom Heart group is a blessing and a challenge.  Recently, we talked about how to draw out introverts and make your group a safe place for them.  Today, let's talk about those talkative, brave, enthusiastic extroverts.Extroverts are the life of the party and bring a level of energy and excitement to any group.  These outgoing-types can also take over a group conversation or bully another woman without even realizing it.  Here are some ideas that you may want to try in your Mom Heart group.Meet with her and ask her to help you.  Extroverts often like to be in the middle of things and to contribute.  Here are some ideas.  Ask her to be the one who often opens or closes the group in prayer.  Have her greet women as they come in.  Since making new women feel welcome is so important, have her sit next to a newcomer and be available to answer questions throughout the meeting.  If an outgoing person has a job that is helpful, she will know that she is contributing in a valuable way and not be as likely to dominate during discussion.  She will feel heard and  everyone will have a chance to contribute.Be brave to steer the conversation.  Sometimes, the leader has to step in and be the leader.  Occasionally, this means you'll need to bring the conversation back to the text or scripture.  Be gentle, but firm.  If there is someone that monopolizes the discussion every week, consider meeting with her one-on-one to hear her needs so you can offer her the support she desires.  If it continues, graciously ask her to save that sharing for after the meeting when there is more time for fellowship.  Get creative- extroverts that are lonely or needy may just need to feel loved.canstockphoto13005842Provide opportunities for connection outside of the meeting time.  Extroverts need to be around others much more often than introverts.  In our group, we have spontaneously play dates at area parks.  We also have a field trip coordinator who arranges field trips for our group once or twice a month.  Since we are homeschoolers, this includes our children, but it doesn't have to.  Ask if there is anyone willing to arrange a "Moms Night Out" once a month, or a Saturday gathering for families.  This is where real connection will happen and the group members will start to form relationships with each other.  As a leader, there is pressure to be available for every individual, but that is impossible.  If you provide social events, the women will begin to connect and the extroverts will get their buckets filled!Are you an extrovert?  How else could group leaders support the needs that you have?