We are so excited to share today's post from Pam Turney. Pam is a longtime friend of the Clarksons and Mom Heart Ministry. Pam hosts a Mom Heart conference in North Alabama that features speakers that have been trained and mentored by Sally. Here is a little of her story.
We started in the back room of the local YMCA...a small group of moms struggling together to find joy and purpose in the journey of parenting, each of us desiring to love God and our families wholeheartedly but many of us lacking the biblical knowledge and community of believers to strengthen our faith for the many trials of life.Now, some eight plus years later, we have grown into an area of moms who have now forged deep friendships through shared suffering and celebrating. We embrace life expectantly and with open arms as we continue to gather together regularly for times of study, sharing, and sweet fellowship. The meetings over the years turned into weekend retreats which we outgrew in a few years. This year the Mom Heart of North Alabama team will host the second annual Mom Heart Conference on March 24 and 25 in Huntsville, AL. We are planning a wonderful time of inspiring talks, great food, and fellowship with like minded moms. Having attended these types of conferences since 2000, I have learned the importance of getting away and refueling while building strong friendships with other women who support me. The journey can be long and hard and is not meant to be walked alone.Also, as I embraced the biblical principles presented in these gatherings, I began to see transformation in my own life as well as the lives of my family. Understanding God’s original design for us freed me to love and enjoy my children as gifts my Creator had entrusted to me rather than constantly trying to perform or measure up to some worldly standard.
I needed this support more than I would ever when my marriage failed and I became a single working mother of five children: children who still needed to know that God was good and faithful and see that their mom believed in God's goodness. The lovingkindness and support from my Mom Heart friends over the next decade empowered me to stay strong in the ministry God had entrusted to me to disciple my children and other women. I have stuck with this long enough over the past seventeen years to see the fruit in my own life as well as the lives of my children. Having grown up without discipleship and struggling to find my place and purpose has ignited the passion within to make these truths available for others that they too may walk in truth and also make disciples not only in their homes but also their communities.
If you are anywhere near our area, please consider joining us March 24-25 for a wonderful time of encouragement and equipping in your journey. It is our deepest desire for you to know how deeply you are loved by God.
Pam and Sally, years ago!