Today's post was written by Tami in Texas. She is a long-time friend of Mom Heart Ministries and has completed several leadership intensives under Sally's teaching. Her group was profiled in this post. Welcome, Tami. Before we think about how the Great Commission applies to motherhood, first we have to define the Great Commission. This portion of scripture in Matthew is called the Great Commission because it is the final instructions that Jesus gave to his disciples while on earth that encourages them to go and do what He has taught them over the past three years. Jesus is sending them out into the world to spread His teachings.
Matthew 28:16-20 The eleven followers went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus told them to meet him; and when they saw him, they bowed to the ground before him; although some hesitated. Then Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to lay to heart all the commands that I have given you; and remember, I am with you everyday until the end of the age.’
The mission Jesus gave to his disciples when He appeared to them after the miracle of His resurrection has not changed. First of all, He says to GO, take action, and then He says to MAKE disciples, which consists of BAPTIZING them into the household of God and then TEACHING them to obey His Word.In simple terms we are to:Go ... make disciples ... baptize ... teach.What about those who hesitated? Could this again demonstrate that the disciples are just like each of us? Though bold in their faith and their belief in Jesus, sometimes they hesitated before they committed, before they took action.The Great Commission applies directly to motherhood, not just to those going to foreign lands to preach Christ. It begins within our own homes. Motherhood is our mission field. So how does the Great Commission apply to motherhood? Are we following the basic elements of the Great Commission in our homes?
As parents, Jesus has given us the primary disciple-making responsibility of our children. To put it simply, we are to develop a lifestyle of discipleship--being the example that our kids long to see and hear. To immerse them daily in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by teaching His word and showing them how to practice all the things that Christ commanded. This should simply not be reduced to an activity taught by others outside our homes; instead, it should be a life lived out and taught by us and our example in our own homes.Have you hesitated to take the Great Commission into your home? What could be the cause of our own hesitation as moms?
I see three possible causes for our hesitation:
- Moms are not trained for Biblical Motherhood. Perhaps they are not confident in how to apply the Great Commission to motherhood. What can you read to encourage your heart in this way? The Mission of Motherhood is a great place to start.
- We live in a culture now where all opinions are equally valid. We don’t stand up for Christ because we don’t want to offend anyone. We find ourselves spending more time preparing what to say, than actually saying anything. Do you know someone who is more brave than you? Spend time with her and watch what she says and does. Pray for courage in your own heart.
- Sometimes we hesitate because we are too busy trying to keep up with everyone else. Read the scriptures. Consider looking up verses on contentment or joy. Learn what God has to say.
As a mom, we actually possess the prophetic voice and the gift of proclamation of Christ; yet we often hesitate to use it. Since Jesus is the Lord of our life, we shouldGo ... make disciples ... baptize ... teach.Teaching our children the commands of Christ is more than transferring information. This teaching involves applying God’s word to their hearts. Obedience in the biblical sense isn’t about outward conformity to the law. Rather, obedience comes from a heart that has been changed by God through the discipleship process.Our homes can be transformed into a community that provides a safe place for edification, training and discipleship, fulfilling the Great Commission we have been given as mothers by Christ. Sally's ministry encourages discipleship with our children and with other moms. It is mentioned in each of her books, blogs and conferences and is a reminder how we all need discipleship to further His kingdom.
Walking out the Great Commission will look different in each of our homes. In mine, we read one chapter of the Bible daily aloud together. We talk about how to apply this to our lives. Each child will say what verse stood out to them. This could be a verse they liked or didn’t like or maybe didn’t understand and then we discuss it. We end in prayer. Sometimes I wonder if they are really listening, but then they say something profound, that makes my heart smile and I am grateful God shows me this training is worthwhile.
This is our Great Commission to Go…make disciples…baptize…teach and then send our children into the world, praying they will keep their focus on Christ and remember their training, to hopefully bring the Great Commission into their generation!Encourage the women in your Mom Heart groups to consider that the raising of their children is actually discipling them to know and love God. We have the responsibility and privilege of encouraging these little ones in our care.