Ginger's group began about four years ago when she invited a friend to attend the Mom Heart Conference with her. After the conference, they met with the Women's Ministry Director in their church to ask if it'd be appropriate to invite women from the church to attend their new Mom Heart Group. They were able to hand out fliers and run a bulletin announcement to invite the mothers in their church. With a yearly newsletter, they encourage the members to invite other mothers within their spheres of influence.Ginger's group meets twice per month with 10-15 ladies attending each time. They have studied Mission of Motherhood, Ministry of Motherhood and are currently reading Desperate. Next up is the Lifegiving Home. The group is made up of women in all ages and stages from grandmothers down to newly pregnant ladies.One unique aspect of Ginger's group is that they schedule many fellowship activities outside of their regular group meetings. They have attended the Mom Heart Conference together, canned, gone on a vegetable garden field trip, crocheted, had a movie night, did freezer meal assembly, dinner out, had a painting party, and created recipe books. What amazing ways to build community and close knit friendships!
Ginger's group at their painting party
I asked Ginger what she would say to a lonely mother. "I would tell lonely moms to take a risk, and invite a mom to coffee or just get herself to a group. You never know where that will lead--one mother asked me to meet with her, and now she's mentoring 2 other moms!" What a lovely testimony to the power of reaching out to those around us.Ginger highly recommends forming a leadership team to support you, to establish their own relationships with the women, and to step in when life circumstances interrupt your ability to lead. She has several ladies serving the group in different areas according to their gifts: hospitality, technology, and a prayer leader.One of Ginger's fellow leaders says, "I think our biggest strength is the openness of the group, and that moms feel safe sharing their weaknesses. Love the pampering with tea, chocolate, popcorn, and the pretty dishes. Such a lovely escape from a sink full of dirty dishes. There's love in that room."Mom Heart Groups come in all shapes and sizes. What do you need to find the courage to start a group?