Have you ever taken time away? Time to be poured into with inspired wisdom while surrounded by like-minded mothers who long to live intentionally for God and His purposes? Time to make new friends and deepen old ones?If you’ve followed me and my ministry to mothers, you already know that 2016 was a pivotal year for our conferences. It was a year of embracing God’s ministry to moms with two hands–celebrating 20 years of WholeHearted Mother and Mom Heart Conferences on the one hand, and accepting that it was time to let them go on the other. I strongly felt God saying it was time for something new. Something fresh. Not just for me, but for you. As I enter a new season of ministry to moms, perhaps the final lap in my race with God, I have an even deeper desire to mentor, teach, and encourage women in their profoundly important roles as moms and life-givers. I want to help women from every role in life understand more deeply what it means to have faith in Christ and grow in that faith as His follower.
I find my heart focused on what so many precious women I have ministered to through the years have shared with me about the challenges of motherhood and life, and their need to be constantly renewed by God. And that is what I hope to do this year, and for as many years as God allows me to continue speaking, through the new Renew My Heart Getaway. It is on my heart to renew your heart. I hope you will join me as we start a new journey with God in 2017.
The new Renew My Heart Getaway will be a different kind of event. Many women through the years have told me they would like more of me, more time for interaction with other moms, and more time for reflection. After the final Mom Heart Conference in February 2016, I thought and prayed about “what’s next?” and discussed it with Clay and my Mom Heart leaders. It became clear to all of us that the next season of events needs to be slower, more personal, and more interactive, focusing less on topics such as how to be a “good mother” and more on how to be “God’s mother.” We want to strengthen and renew the spiritual life of all women. After 32 years of parenting, I’m convinced that being God’s mom is the most important factor in being a good mom, spouse, and friend. And to be God’s woman means you need to continually renew your heart by His Spirit. That’s the vision and purpose of the Renew My Heart Getaway.Join us and bring your Mom Heart groups, new friends, and especially mothers that are desperate for encouragement and inspiration. Many women ask for this as a Christmas gift. And what a gift!Go HERE to Register and Find out more.UK and European Friends --- In addition to the United States Getaways, Sally will be hosting an event in England. Saturday, March 18, 2017, Sally will be speaking in NW Greater London for a 1 day Conference! For more information, email mumheart2017@gmail.com. Full details including how to register will be released soon.