Upcoming Lifegiving Home Encounters!

Have you ever been to a Mom Heart or Lifegiving Home live event?  As a Mom Heart group leader or attendee, it can be incredibly inspiring to gather together with other like-minded mothers.  Sally and Joel have teamed up to offer several Lifegiving Home events this summer.  Let's hear Sally's thoughts on these.As our family has reached a new season with the conclusion of the MomHeart Conferences, I am dreaming of more ways to reach, train and inspire women all over the world, to walk with God and to live a story for generations to talk about in the years to come. More books, more online conferences and podcasts, something coming in Spanish, international events, and more more more! Praying about how to limit the ideas and about what women want to see happen–so please let me know your ideas.In that spirit, I am excited to say that we are exploring a new venture for this summer: Lifegiving Home Encounters! I so desire to bring the personal ministry of our home to you, and these ‘encounters’ would be evening events, with an inspiring workshop given by me, replete with many beautiful slides of our home, traditions, creative ideas, as well as a beautiful presentation of piano music from Joel!  Click on the images below for more information about these upcoming events.Screenshot-2016-05-16-21.20.19Screenshot-2016-05-12-23.39.01-1Screenshot-2016-05-12-23.43.20We have had many people from all over the United States request us for events, and so we are excited to see these evenings develop. We are hoping to find churches, auditoriums, meeting rooms and other similar venues. If you have an interest in hosting such an even, let us know.  The location would need to have a grand piano as well as the audio/visual setup to support a powerpoint presentation.We might be able to consider one or two more regional areas if we were able to interact with a large enough group to enable the logistics involved in such an event and if we can fit it in this summer. If you know of a church or other beautiful meeting space that meets the parameters above, please let us know! We are so excited to bring the message of the Lifegiving Home in this new format.For further information, please contact Joel at: mail.homeforgood@gmail.com.We look so forward to seeing many of you at these new events!