Are you gathering with your Mom Heart group to celebrate Christmas together? These events can be small or large, simple or elaborate. Today Tami shares about the annual Christmas tea that she hosts to encourage mothers in her community.Thirty moms gathered together to celebrate the Christmas season at our Mom’s Christmas Tea held at the In My Garden Tea Room in Texas. This was an opportunity for precious women to get away for a special time of fellowship with other moms. Our theme this year was:
“Christmas is a time to remember the promise we have been given, by the birth of our Savior.”
On the night Jesus was born, the innkeeper missed Christmas because he did not have any room. He was busy, pre-occupied and his inn was full because of the census. After the shepherds saw Jesus and went back to share the good news, no one else in Jerusalem went to see Jesus. They were busy with feasts, festivals and ceremonies. In our culture today, there are so many activities we engage in over the Christmas season. Often we become overly busy, allowing our calendars to fill up quickly. How do we remember Christ? Do we push everything aside that makes its way to our table and put up a nativity scene and think, there, that should do it? “Making room for Jesus is not the same as celebrating Jesus.”During our tea, two moms that have been attending my Mom Heart group for several years shared Christmas traditions with a Christ focus. Candi shared "Birth of Jesus Treat Bag” and Leska shared “A Meaningful Christmas” about various types of Advent activities. Our keynote speaker was Debi who currently serves on the Mom Heart Texas team. Debi read from The Life Giving Home, December. She shared how we can get caught up in doing “too much” during this season. "It is our privilege to extract the precious out of the ordinary to glorify our God."
Once again, gift giveaways were part of the event. This year, I focused on moms whom I have met that have written a book or created something to encourage us on our mom walk. As their parting gift, each mom received a lovely tea cup and saucer, plus variety of teas and chocolate.As Titus 2 moms, we are called to share our walk with one another. My trials and my joys can be encouraging to another mom. My hope is that our time together was an avenue to encourage each other and celebrate Jesus this season. May Our Father bring encouraging women into your life that help you keep your focus on Christ.What sort of celebrations does your Mom Heart group participate in together?