Missional Mothers - Tip #10

Broaden the Vision for Your Groupphoto-1446776811953-b23d57bd21aaNever before in the history of the world have we been able to connect and communicate instantly and personally with people all around the world. We take the Internet for granted now, but to generations before us the idea would have seemed in the realm of the miraculous. Though it certainly has its downsides, the world is different now because of the wonders of connectedness the Internet has introduced.As we consider how God might use Mom Heart groups for His kingdom, we cannot ignore the mission of the church to go into all the world (Matthew 28:18-20). As former missionaries in Western and Eastern Europe, we have long thought that mothers are an under-served part of the world mission vision. We believe they are a doorway into families and communities. When you reach a mom’s heart, you also reach fathers, children, neighbors, and generations. No matter what the country, culture, time, or place, we believe that a mission that can reach mothers is reaching the “heart” of a culture.Mothers are generally more available, and through their children they generally have many relationships with other mothers in their communities. In their homes, depending upon the culture, they exercise a strong and lasting influence over the hearts, values, and beliefs of their children. That is not to minimize the impact and influence of fathers on the family, but the potential impact of mothers should never be marginalized or underestimated. By God’s design, mothers are uniquely suited and situated to shape the spiritual atmosphere of their homes.photo-1456425731181-2152d80d946cThat’s why part of our mission vision for Mom Heart is to see Mom Heart groups starting in other countries—first in English-speaking nations, and then through translated materials in non-English-speaking nations. It will be a long, slow process, but that is part of our long term vision for Mom Heart Ministry.Do you know mothers in other parts of the world?  Will you connect them with the materials and ministry of Mom Heart so that we can encourage them in their walk with the Lord?  We currently know of groups in Italy, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Madagascar, Ukraine, Australia, and England- what a miracle! Excerpt from Taking Motherhood to Hearts.