We're trusting God to keep entrusting us with ministry

Whole Heart is a faith ministry. That simply means we trust God to provide for our financial needs to enable us to do the ministry He has put into our hearts. God can provide financially through ministry income, or through donor contributions. Both are matters of faith.

As we move forward in this new season of post-conference ministry, we are asking God to bring Partners to Whole Heart who will share our hearts for ministry to parents by sharing their resources. We need larger one-time gifts to fund new ministry initiatives, but we need recurring donations to fund our fixed operating expenses. There is a cost for ministry!

If you would like to become a Whole Heart Partner, please let us hear from you. If you’re able to help Whole Heart finish 2018 on strong financial footing headed into our 25th year of ministry in 2019, your donation now would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! And we thank God for each of our Partners.