Mom Heart

A Group Profile from the UK - Jacqui

Mom Heart groups are springing up across the world as mothers discover the joys of walking in biblical motherhood together.  There are groups that we know of in Italy, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Madagascar, Ukraine, Australia, and England.  And there are likely many more in other places of the globe.  {Join the Mom Heart Groups Facebook community to connect with women in your local corner of the world.}Jacqui is a relative newcomer to Sally Clarkson’s books and Mom Heart Ministry, but has established a local group for mothers in the Greater London area.  Let’s glean from her wisdom and gather courage from her experiences as a new Mum Heart group leader.How did you discover Mom Heart ministry?I first came across Sally in January of 2016 via the new podcast and was keen to check it out. I instantly connected with Sally’s ethos; she spoke straight into my circumstance and experiences. I went on to find what books Sally had written and decided to read Seasons of a Mother’s Heart first. I began working through it and could immediately see fruit in my life.  Her voice and discipleship style was so fresh, relevant and relatable. Until then, I had had a couple of influential teachers who had helped shape my parenting style, but Sally is a mentor God is using to shape my heart.canstockphoto3694396What is your role in your group?I host the mums in my home every fortnight on a Saturday morning, I like to create a welcoming, peaceful space away from the demands of life. We journey through the chosen chapter together where I then follow Sally’s outline as laid out in her book Taking Motherhood To Hearts, this has been so helpful to know the ‘how-to’s’ of hosting and I refer to it regularly.Tell us a bit about your group.It initially started out with just me and a friend.  [See?  It really does only take two women gathering together in God’s name.]  I was getting so much out of it and seeing fruit in my own life that I was excited to share the discovery. We met a couple of times before I saw information about Sally’s Oxford visit in early 2016 so I thought I’d see if I could get a few more ladies to come with me.  Five ladies including myself ended up going to The Kilns that weekend and from that encounter another two mums wanted to join our little book study, which, after Oxford, I thought could be the seed of a Mum Heart group. We are still a small but precious group of mums, sometimes there are two of us and when full, five. I started an online Facebook page for the group also and invited mums to join us by distance.  We currently have 50 mums journeying along in there. We meet fortnightly in my home in Middlesex, Greater London.

FullSizeRender-7Jacqui with a Mum Heart friend

What would you say to lonely mothers who are seeking like-minded fellowship?

The generous man will be prosperous,And he who waters will himself be watered. Proverbs 11:25

 “Be who you need" - If you’re lonely and desperate for someone to connect with, see if there is someone around you who you can reach out to and offer the hand of friendship to. Look for other mums in your church, in your community or even online via social media and invite others to join you in a book study journey.  All it takes is you plus one other and you’ve all you need for meaningful ministry to happen. A lot of mums are just waiting for someone else to step out and make the first move (like Deb did) and they’ll gladly follow, all you need to do is send the invitation and provide the opportunity.What are your biggest challenges as a group leader?Personal growth and maturity as I learn to minister to each lady and be the kind of group leader they need and who leads in integrity and grace. I am challenged to not try and present myself as having it all together, to remember that the group is also for my own edification and support.   I can let people in and not be the ‘perfect’ leader, but instead model that I am ‘living forward’ towards the upward calling with them, and the dreams I have for myself and home.What are your greatest blessings as a group leader?This is the hardest to answer because there are so many blessings, some of which I’m not sure I can put into words. Sally’s invitation to join her in Jesus’ ministry through a Mum Heart group has given me a deeper sense of service and purpose and the accountability is a huge blessing as it gives me so much motivation to stay focused and keep living forward.12991124_1037334379671665_5889162843528592630_n

Jacqui and Sally at a Livegiving Home Event in Oxford, UK

How can we pray for you or your group?Pray that we will grow in love and grace, that we’d continue to stay strong in our convictions and desire to glorify God in our families, and that we’ll bear fruit which attracts others to know Christ, the "fruit which remains".

You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.  This I command you, that you love one another. John 15:16-17

Do you need a friend?  Consider who you might invite to join you in a book study.  We need each other!

Feeding Your Mom Heart Group - Tip #8

You cannot offer living water to the mothers in your group if your own spiritual well is not filled up.  Taking Motherhood to Hearts can equip you with practical skills to start, lead, and tend a group.  However, those skills will not make you a spiritual life-giver.  Only the Spirit of God, filling your own spirit, will enable you to encourage and influence other mothers in the Lord.  As a mentor mom, you are a faith-forming influence on the moms who come to your Mom Heart group.  Your life and faith will influence theirs.  That kind of personal ministry needs to come from the overflow of a heart that is filled up with the Spirit of Christ.20160713090109The apostle John declared that Jesus is the Word, the logos, the full expression of all that God is.  "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten Father, full of grace and truth"  (John 1:14, italics added). John goes on to say, "the Law was given through Moses, grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ" (1:17). We're no longer bound to the burdensome regulations of the Law of Moses to know God.  Instead, we are now freed by grace and truth in Jesus to know God in our spirits.  "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death" (Romans 8:2).All that Jesus was "full" of, we can now be filled with- the grace that brings us close to the merciful and loving God, and the truth that keeps us secure in our knowledge of Him.  Now that we are, by faith, "in Christ" (see Ephesians 1:3-14), we can live from the inside out-His grace and truth in our spirits working its way out in our lives.  But that "inside-out" kind of life will happen only if we stay spiritually nourished by feeding our hearts and minds with His spiritual food- God's grace is food for the heart (or spirit), and God's truth is food for the mind.  The more we stay filled up with God's life, the more life we'll have to give to others.Whether you believe you are a mentor or not, you will have a mentoring influence on the women in your Mom Heart group.  You don't have to call yourself a "mentor mom," but you will be that to some degree in your group, not because of what the group leadership position brings to you, but because of what you bring to the position- a heart filled and overflowing with the grace and truth of God.  How you relate to your moms, and what you share with them from your mom heart, will have a faith-forming influence on their lives.  Whether you think you're a mentor or not, that is what a mentor does.Are you prioritizing your own spiritual life?  When can you make time for God and His grace and truth? {Excerpt from Taking Motherhood to Hearts.}

Useful Podcast Links

Podcast-Button-250Did you know that Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill have a podcast?  It is a lovely burst of weekly encouragement in all areas of home life.  The podcast can also be used in several ways to enhance your Mom Heart groups.

  1. Use the podcast as additional research ahead of leading your group.  Listen to the podcast before your group meeting and then use that information as well as the book chapter to guide your discussion.
  2. Listen to a portion of the podcast with your Mom Heart group.
  3. Email your group the link to the podcast that goes with your discussion for further encouragement or to prepare them for the group meeting.

Below are the podcasts that apply to specific books and chapters.  (Eventually, these will be added to the resource tab above.)  I have included the link to Sally's blog post that contains each podcast.  You can also find links on Kristen's website or subscribe on itunes.MOM_BookPodcasts about The Ministry of MotherhoodPart 1: The Gift of GracePart 2: The Gift of InspirationPart 3: The Gift of FaithPart 4: The Gift  of Training(No podcast for Part 5: The Gift of Service)619WEsrMnRL._SX331_BO1204203200_-200x300Podcasts about The Lifegiving Home(These podcasts mainly apply to the book in general and not specific chapters, but are still useful and encouraging.)Introduction to the Lifegiving HomeRoutines That Give Children Security and LoveReal Hospitality for Real PeopleBiblical View of a Lifegiving Home Screen-Shot-2014-12-07-at-8.44.15-PMPodcasts about Own Your LifeIntroduction to Own Your LifeChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapters 14-17We  hope you enjoy using the podcasts as additional resources for your Mom Heart groups.How will you utilize the podcasts?

Growing Your Group and Yourself - Tip #7

Growth takes time. Jesus’ model for discipleship was intentional, relational, and patient. He intentionally invested in the lives of a handful of disciples who went out and invested relationally in the lives of others. The growth of Jesus’ ministry did not happen overnight, and you should not expect quick growth for your group either. Be patient, but move forward with intentional purpose to grow your Mom Heart group. God is looking for your faithfulness, not your fruitfulness. Fruitfulness always follows faithfulness.Your priority as a leader should never be only to pursue growth in numbers. The number of moms involved in your group or ministry can certainly indicate a healthy and thriving group, but it should not become an artificial or counterfeit measure of success that tempts you to place your confidence as a leader on the wrong indicator. Your priority should be growth in Christ—to build up your moms in the Lord and help them grow in spiritual maturity. And yet even that is not the end purpose of your group.canstockphoto0325111If the Spirit of God is a river of living water flowing into the life of your group, it is meant to flow in you, through you, and then out to others. If it all goes in but then nothing flows out, your group can eventually become stagnant, and no longer living or growing. The ultimate purpose of your group is not just to grow, but to grow out and reach other women. That’s the kind of biblical growth that will make a difference—growth in spiritual maturity expressed in a heart for reaching out to others.There are many mothers in the body of Christ and in your community who are minimalized, marginalized, and even neglected. They need the hope and encouragement that you are finding in your group. If you are growing in Christ, then you have truth and grace to offer other mothers who are thirsty. When you do that as a group, united in purpose and motivated by love for Christ and others, you will show the world that you are His disciples.Excerpt from Taking Motherhood to Hearts.

Serving Your MomHeart Community

We first met Deb Giles in the profile of her group several weeks ago.  Her group is intentional about serving and loving the group members in practical ways.  As you read of her experience, consider how your group might tangibly bless someone during this season.Our Mom Heart group has often discussed helping one another with small projects in our homes. Recently we began doing just that. One of our ladies has been in her home for about 17 years and has raised 8 children in the home. The house is showing some wear and tear, as would be expected. Mom has had some medical issues the past few years and is feeling overwhelmed with where to begin to make her house a home again. In steps, the ladies from our MomHeart group made plans to bless her. We spent a day while Mom was away at doctor appointments (with another of our MomHeart Ladies) and Dad was at work, painting their downstairs family room. A week later, with the help of some of our husbands, we came and finished the family room, painted their front porch, and deep-cleaned the kitchen. We wanted things to be in order before Mom went in for a scheduled surgery.  Mom and Dad were both surprised, as they had no idea we had planned to do this. They are both very appreciative of our hard work and dedication to their family.

Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves. Romans 15:1
In Romans, it tells us to bear the burdens of the weak and to love as Christ loved us. This is what our group is working hard to do. Most of us have many children and are still in the trenches of raising our families. We have had mothers care for other members' children when they've had doctor appointments, when they're having bad days, or just because.We are building a community together and reaching out and helping one another at many turns. It is amazing to have women like this in our lives. We all come from different backgrounds and different churches, but we all share a love for Christ and what HE says we are supposed to be and do. We work together and help others including those outside our group. When we see a mom struggling, we see what we can do to help. If it's inviting her to join our group, we do that. If it's offering encouragement, we encourage her. If she needs meals, we try to help there too.
I think the most wonderful experience that has come from our MomHeart group is that we love on everyone we meet. We do our best to let the light of Christ shine through each of us, everywhere we go. It fills my spiritual cup to see another mom or family be blessed in some way by this wonderful group of ladies whom God put in my life.Our group continues to plan more ways to bless mothers in our community. We are truly blessed and are working hard to keep our eyes on the Lord and listen to His voice.What can your group do to bless one another or a mother in your local community?

Finding Encouragement in a MomHeart Group

Today's post is a profile of a Mom Heart group member.  Do you know how your members' lives are changed by your diligence?  This is Jackie's experience being called by God to parent in a new way and how her group encourages her.Let me start off by explaining that my experience with Mom Heart and Sally Clarkson is tied tightly into my family’s walk into homeschooling.  This post is about our personal journey, not about what we feel is right for every family.  God will make His will clear to you when you are open to hearing his voice in all areas of your life, not just school choices.  For me, I was resistant to and ignorant of biblical parenting and He used school to get my attention.380025_10151111010728434_2083082981_n

Jackie's family a couple years ago (photo credit: Barb Bergeson)

I first learned of Sally when a friend gave me her book about homeschooling , Educating the WholeHearted Child.  My son had been struggling in school for years. There were tears every night.  I slowly began to try and understand his day, asking him questions and gathering information about what he was experiencing.  I was a working, business-owning, executive boss-type lady managing 35 people and running my business with no time to spend figuring out my son’s struggles.  After one particularly difficult morning drop off, God whispered to me, “Go back and get him and never make him go there again.”  I drove back, swooped him up, and placed him back in the car.  I told him that we would figure it out until the end of the year when I would sell my business and then we would homeschool.  What a drastic change for our family.10288794_1432291460371517_3876958903500058956_n

Jackie with most of her sweet family

It was then that I began closely reading Educating the WholeHearted Child.  My son and I would read it aloud together - we decided it would be much easier than we had ever imagined based on the way that Sally and Clay described things.  So simple.  So much common sense.  I realized there was no one better to look over my child and educate him than me.  God gave him to me.  He asked me to protect him, teach him, and look after him every day.

You shall teach them [the Scriptures] diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.  Deut. 6:7

My entire worldview of education and parenthood changed.  I realized how I had fallen into a secular view of my child and my relationship with him, placing priority on my business and failing to see my child’s needs.I started attending a Mom Heart group and received so much insight, support, and connection with what is available for moms and kids.  Along with my Bible, it is my lifeline to staying on track.  I have met some of my best friends.  We have play dates, co-ops and mom outings.  Most importantly, we continue to read Sally’s books that stretch me as a person, help me to grow in ways I never knew I could, and change the very person I was into a mom and wife I love being!It is so difficult to do this life of motherhood on your own – at the very least it would lack a lot of fun!  Get in a group like Mom Heart!  Get connected - God calls us to be in company with other like-minded people.  The devil lurks and prowls when we are alone, telling us we cannot do this.

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

He tells us that we are not equipped to do this work of mothering and the world will soon chime in and tell us we are strange to invest so much of ourselves in our children.  None of this can we allow ourselves to believe.  This group encourages me when the world’s voice and the devil’s voice call to me.  They walk me out of it, support me, and keep me going.  In this group I have also learned how to be a better mom and a more attentive wife.  I find support in walking with other moms who get burnt out and struggle like I did.  It lifts me up so that I can be a positive, joyful, and loving servant to my family.  This is what I am called to do!1625535_1397864703814193_808972594_n

Jackie and her son

Are you looking for a local Mom Heart group?  Join our Facebook community to connect with local women.  Or maybe you are feeling God's call to start a group.  Start with this post to get going!  May the Lord bless you as you minister to women around you!

Upcoming Lifegiving Home Encounters!

Have you ever been to a Mom Heart or Lifegiving Home live event?  As a Mom Heart group leader or attendee, it can be incredibly inspiring to gather together with other like-minded mothers.  Sally and Joel have teamed up to offer several Lifegiving Home events this summer.  Let's hear Sally's thoughts on these.As our family has reached a new season with the conclusion of the MomHeart Conferences, I am dreaming of more ways to reach, train and inspire women all over the world, to walk with God and to live a story for generations to talk about in the years to come. More books, more online conferences and podcasts, something coming in Spanish, international events, and more more more! Praying about how to limit the ideas and about what women want to see happen–so please let me know your ideas.In that spirit, I am excited to say that we are exploring a new venture for this summer: Lifegiving Home Encounters! I so desire to bring the personal ministry of our home to you, and these ‘encounters’ would be evening events, with an inspiring workshop given by me, replete with many beautiful slides of our home, traditions, creative ideas, as well as a beautiful presentation of piano music from Joel!  Click on the images below for more information about these upcoming events.Screenshot-2016-05-16-21.20.19Screenshot-2016-05-12-23.39.01-1Screenshot-2016-05-12-23.43.20We have had many people from all over the United States request us for events, and so we are excited to see these evenings develop. We are hoping to find churches, auditoriums, meeting rooms and other similar venues. If you have an interest in hosting such an even, let us know.  The location would need to have a grand piano as well as the audio/visual setup to support a powerpoint presentation.We might be able to consider one or two more regional areas if we were able to interact with a large enough group to enable the logistics involved in such an event and if we can fit it in this summer. If you know of a church or other beautiful meeting space that meets the parameters above, please let us know! We are so excited to bring the message of the Lifegiving Home in this new format.For further information, please contact Joel at: look so forward to seeing many of you at these new events!

20 Years After Wholeheart, Shelly Discovered a Mom Heart Group

Today's profile is of a lovely lady who has been raising her children using WholeHearted / MomHeart philosophies since the mid 1990s.  With three grown children and two more at home, plus a growing gaggle of grandchildren, Shelly has a unique perspective to offer, both as a mother and as a Mom Heart group leader.I was a young mom living in Southern California when I was “introduced” to Sally Clarkson through my first purchase as a home schooling parent. That purchase was Educating the WholeHearted Child and the year was 1994. I loved the book and the principles I learned in those pages. I read, read and re-read the encouragement between the covers.  In 1999, I packed my favorite home schooling resource book and set out for Alaska with my adventurous husband and our growing family. I shared my knowledge and love of Wholehearted living with several moms in our little Alaska village over the years and in the early 2000’s I began to hear of and read about WholeHearted Mother conferences, led by Sally Clarkson.  I longed to attend a conference and because I had family in CA thought it may work out sometime, but my desire remained unfulfilled due to the obstacles of long flights and many small children.canstockphoto0140930

Beautiful Alaska

September of 2012 was the beginning of a new adventure for our family when we relocated from Alaska to southwest Idaho. After spending so many years in a small village, I found making friends in my new home difficult. Everyone was so busy running here, driving there, and living over-scheduled lives that connecting and building relationship seemed impossible.Knowing that I had to reach out and find women to befriend, I earnestly began a search for like-minded mothers. I prayed and cried and begged God for friends. His answer came in January of 2013 in the form of a Craigslist ad!  There was another mom out there looking for connection! Her ad stated that she wanted to form a book club for moms. I love to read and decided to step out and connect with Judy. I emailed her and a few days later received a reply. “I forgot that ad was there! I am not leading a group after all but here is the contact information for my Mom Heart group leader.” Mom Heart? Never heard of it! I wonder what that is all about?  I got in contact with Jennie and eagerly wrote down the meeting information.  Two weeks later I walked into a living room full of strangers. We read Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally. Sally Clarkson??! The same Sally Clarkson who wrote my beloved Educating the Whole Hearted Child??! Yes! I was so excited to hear that after almost 20 years, Sally was still around, still ministering to moms.Sharing the reading of a book and talking about it was a great way to get to know people and begin to build friendships, even though I was the oldest member with the oldest children. Personalities shone as we shared our struggles, our joys, and the desperate moments we had all experienced as moms and wives. I was genuinely surprised by the depth of sharing that went on at our every other week meetings. Jennie asked questions that challenged us to digest the book and the thoughts that came out of it.  She encouraged us to invite other moms who needed this kind of group, a place of safety and acceptance.12771612_10208653363673263_1999492835815117552_o

Shelly (middle, holding a friend's baby) and some of the Idaho Mom Heart ladies

Throughout 2013, our Mom Heart group grew and grew. The number of moms whose hearts were being touched became burdensome for one group leader. Jennie asked me if I would come alongside her and lead a second discussion group during our meetings. After praying about it, I agreed. We met as a large group at the beginning of our meetings, sharing our hopes, dreams, struggles and prayers. We would then divide into two smaller groups to give everyone a chance to have input in our book discussion. Jennie and I used the same basic format of questions to guide the discussion. In December of 2013 Jennie and I made the decision to seek a second meeting place. We were simply outgrowing her living room! In early 2014, Mom Heart West was born.I (Jennie) was so excited when Shelly stepped up to lead a new group of MomHearted women in the Treasure Valley area of Idaho.  As a mom with grown children, she had encouraged our group with perspective and wisdom that only come with experience.  I knew she'd be a wonderful leader and mentor to the women.  Shelly's group thrived, not only due to her wisdom, but due to her willingness to serve the women completely.  She has taught me so much about how to practically care for women and, thereby, build close relationships.  She brought meals, accompanied worried mothers to the hospital with their injured or sick ones, and made herself available whenever help was needed.  Do you make a point to practically serve the women in your group?Shelly's family has since moved again, this time to Bowling Green, Kentucky where she is actively searching for like-minded mothers to begin yet another new Mom Heart group.  From California to Alaska to Idaho to Kentucky, Shelly's obedience to God's Titus 2 call is evident.

Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored. Titus 2:3-5

Are you located in a new city?  Waiting for women to find you?  Pray and ask the Lord to bring you a friend with whom to read a book together.  Gain courage from Shelly's example!

So You Want to Start a Mom Heart Group...

Are you feeling a need for like-minded fellowship?  Are you lonely?  Maybe it's time for you to consider starting your own Mom Heart group!canstockphoto12805458Here's a quick-start guide to get you going.

  1. Pray over each of the following decisions.
  2. Read Taking Motherhood to Hearts.  This will give you all the nitty-gritty about starting and leading a group.
  3. Read (and agree with) the Ministry Values and Ministry Beliefs Statements of Mom Heart Ministry.
  4. Decide a time and place.  Will you meet in your home, a friend's, coffee shop, library? Every week, twice a month, once a month?  It's up to you!
  5. Invite one or more moms to gather with you to read a book encouraging biblical motherhood.
  6. Read a chapter, talk about it and pray together.
  7. Join our Facebook community to let others know about your group.

That's it!  It doesn't have to be fancy or complicated.  We are here to help you.  Feel free to ask questions here in the comments or within our Facebook community where there are hundreds of vibrant, wise women available to give input on any of your questions pertaining to Mom Heart groups.  Welcome to Mom Heart Ministry!  :)

Mustard Seed Faith - Charise's Experiences as a Leader

Charise McNutt has had quite a journey that includes leading her California group while going through the trial of Multiple Sclerosis.  Be encouraged through her to step out with your own mustard seed-sized faith!Joanna and Charise 2008

Charise (right) and her co-leader, Joanna

I was a young mother full of ideals with no idea how to walk in them. It was 2005 and my firstborn was a baby. I longed for a biblical mentor to walk the journey of motherhood with me; building me up with words of life. One sunny Saturday I heard Sally Clarkson speak and I knew this was the very mentor I needed. I picked up Mission of Motherhood and devoured it.God brought a beautiful friend named Joanna into my life who also loved Sally’s books. We both had a desire to lead a small group bible study with Sally’s books. We started with a once-a-week Park Day for the ladies to hang out and get to know each other while our young ones played. After attending the Mom Heart Conference in Irvine, CA we felt empowered to start the Mom Heart bible study. We had mustard seed faith and knew God would have to guide every step for it to grow healthy and strong.canstockphoto18014800

For truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.   Matthew 17:20

We invited our Park Day and church friends and we started with Mission of Motherhood.  Many months later, we moved onto Ministry of Motherhood and continued through each of Sally’s books. We had an average of nine women coming and Joanna and I would trade off watching the children and teaching. Vulnerability was a thread, knitting each of our hearts together.IMG_1510In May 2012, I was diagnosed with an illness that causes damage to the brain and nervous system called Multiple Sclerosis. I was unable to drive safely for nine months and I was limited in physical abilities. God used this group to come alongside our family and we continued Mom Heart through that time. It was a lifeline for my heart and leading the group kept me sharp and humble through the process of mothering with an illness. It feels like so long ago since we began the ministry in Moreno Valley, CA. Joanna is now living in Alabama and God has expanded her ministry. She is now a licensed counselor ministering to couples, individuals and children.I moved to Menifee, CA in April 2014 and began a new Mom Heart Group. We have around nine women who come hit and miss but we have an average of three women each month. It just depends on the week and circumstances of life surrounding each woman. God is faithful and He is knitting our hearts as we dig into His word, work through Sally’s book, Own Your Life and live in vulnerability with one another. We have a concoction of working moms, stay-at-home moms, home school moms, public school moms, married moms, single moms, etc. It is truly a joy to see God knit our hearts as we come together, drawing closer to Him and growing as women and mothers. Each of us value our once a month meetings and although we would love to meet together more often, we find once a month is doable for our busy schedules. Sometimes we plan a Girl’s Night Out at Panera Bread or a movie night at home. We text often and encourage one another through the week.IMG_9828 Multiple Sclerosis still hinders me physically, mentally and emotionally but God enables me to continue leading this precious group of women. My four children, ages 5-11 help get our house ready for guests and the ladies and I trade off providing a snack. I am learning to let go of my expectations of a perfect house or presentation and God is always faithful to show up and minister to our weary souls. I am still in contact with many of the women from our Moreno Valley group and these women are still clinging to all that we learned during those years. God used mustard seed faith to grow up a strong tree of women who love Jesus, raise wholehearted children and pursue the calling of God on individual lives. We offer our fishes and loaves to God and He multiplies. We offer our abilities and willingness and God uses it to change the world around us. If He can use me, little ole me, then He can use you.canstockphoto31354174In the book of Isaiah, God says,

“Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?”

May each of us say, “Here am I. Send me!” 

Do You Have Summer Plans?

Do you have plans for your Mom Heart group during the summer?  Many groups take the summers off as families tend to travel, and the regularity of the school year has gone by the wayside.  But you don’t have to wave goodbye in June, not expecting to see each other again until September.  Here are some ideas to maintain fellowship and connection during the summer.Continue some regular meetings.  If you meet more often, consider paring down to once a month meetings in order to maintain regular contact with your members.Family time!  Schedule a couple of family gatherings so that you can meet each other’s families.  It is funny to me how many women I have known for years, and I’ve still only met their husbands once or twice (or never!).  Plan some Girls’ Nights.  Gather the women together for fellowship time with no agenda other than being together.  Go out to dinner or coffee or get creative like Ginger’s group and paint together!canstockphoto12462391

Hebrews 10:23-25 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

As the leader, make an effort to meet with women in smaller groups or even individually, especially the introverts that attend the Mom Heart meetings.  Summer is a great time to intentionally build relationships outside of group time.Start a group!  Have you been considering starting a group?  The more laid back time of summer might find your schedule a little more open.  Pray about it and ask a friend or two to consider reading a book with you.  They can even invite others who might be interested.What other ideas do you have for maintaining connection during the summer? 

Leaders Need Refreshment, Too - Tip #6

Are you giving from a full spirit or striving from an empty one?  Here are some ideas to help you fill your own spirit so that you have an overflow to give.Family: It should be self-evident, but sadly too often it isn’t—if your life at home is out of order, then your spiritual life will be out of order. You can’t give from a full spirit if your heart is divided and distracted by unresolved stress or discord at home. Be honest with yourself and your group about the state of your heart.canstockphoto24920172Place at Home: Be sure to have your own personal space at home where you can retreat for times of quiet and spiritual refreshment, if only for a few minutes. Create a “mom’s place” with things that minister to your spirit—comfy chair, special books, your music, lighted candles, lovely pictures, living plants.  This time of year, your place could even be outside.Get Away: Different personalities will retreat in different ways, but the idea of getting away is biblical and basic. We need to separate ourselves occasionally from media, daily routines, distractions, and everything else that keeps us from focusing on our own emotional and physical needs and spiritual health. And yes, we can even need time away from people. Plan a weekend getaway however often you need to in order to tend to the needs of your spirit.Worship: Music is processed in a different part of the brain. If music is the language of worship, then we need to be training that part of our brain with good music. Perhaps we are learning the language of eternity. There is a mysterious but very real effect that music has on the spirit by God’s design, so feed your spirit with music regularly.Self-Acceptance: If you cannot accept yourself as God has made you, then you stand to miss much of the Spirit’s work and leading in your life. Learning to “love … yourself” is part of your spiritual nature. God accepts you unconditionally, and wants to use you just as you are. This may be an important part of accepting the ministry God has given to you as a mentoring mom.What can you add or subtract to give from a full spirit?  Your children, friends and group members will be blessed as you pour into them from what God has poured into you.Excerpt from Taking Motherhood to Hearts

Waco, Texas Mom Heart Group

Bethany leads a Mom Heart group in Waco, Texas.  I’ll let her tell you a bit about her experience as a leader.When Sally released Taking Motherhood to Hearts, I felt like God was prompting me to host a group in order to bring some friends together. It started out small, by me inviting people, but lately has grown a lot through others inviting their friends. Currently, we have about 16 ladies who come out of about 20 who have expressed interest. We meet every other Monday night from 8pm to about 9:30. We have some that work day jobs and wanted our moms to have a time they could chat without the kids we love so much.We are currently going through the Life Giving Home.  We have quite a long booklist that we choose from whenever we are selecting the next book and we just keep adding to it! A past study our group enjoyed was Own Your Life, also Big Love by Kara Tippets.WacoMomHeart

Some of the members of Bethany's Mom Heart group

We have a good variety of mothers who attend, which I am excited about. We have young moms, we have grandmothers, we have moms that homeschool, we have moms that do not, we have moms that work, moms that stay home, moms that work from home, moms of singles, moms of many, moms who have adopted, moms who have struggled to have kids, etc…lots of different journeys are represented in our group. My prayer for our group is that it be a safe place any mom can come where they can feel encouraged and strengthened in their motherhood journey. Most of our moms have younger children or elementary-aged kids, but we dearly love our few older moms who faithfully come each week, imparting their wisdom and experience.  They are a blessing!It is not always easy to find kindred spirits, but when you find a like-minded mom you connect with, just ask if she’d want to go through a book with you or even just get together for coffee every so often. We started out with 5 people and then grew from there. Pray and ask God to send you a friend or show you someone you can walk with. I’m about as introverted as they come and taking the step to ask someone to walk with me was a huge one, but totally worth it! Keep looking, don’t give up!!!One major challenge for me (as a hard-core introvert) was inviting people into my home and leading the group, but God has used it and made it into something I look forward to. I think my biggest challenge now is guiding what I see as a large group. It was easier when we were smaller, but I’m really glad that people are finding this to be something that helps them and they keep coming back!! Since it’s God’s group, I’m trusting that He brings just the right group of ladies each week and I know He will continue to equip me in the ways that I need.I love welcoming the women, serving them a cup of tea or coffee, and offering them a safe, sanctuary from the craziness of their day. Giving them a chance to get renewed vision and realize they are not alone in their journey is so valuable. Sally’s books are so inspirational and encouraging and to read those side-by-side with other like-minded moms has been a real treat.Would you pray for me? Please pray that I would continue to be obedient to what the Lord has called me to do and that I would not grow weary of doing this good (there is definite spiritual warfare that happens in my house on Mom Heart days!). Please also pray the hearts of the ladies in my group would be knit together (especially as we have added quite a few new moms lately) and we would all encourage each other in our journeys with love. Please also pray that the moms would feel this is a safe place where they can find and offer encouragement and know they are not alone in their journey. Please pray that we would all be the moms God made us to be!IMG_2190

Bethany (left), Sally and a friend

Bethany's journey as an introvert into a leader of a thriving Mom Heart group is very inspiring.  Is God tugging at your heart?  Does this post resonate with you?  Pray, allow God to give you courage and step out!

I'm Late, I'm Late for a Very Important Date!

Do you have group members that are habitually late to the Mom Heart group meeting?  Are you the one that arrives late?  Every group has experienced this at some point.  Read on for some ideas of how to handle the latecomers.canstockphoto24391839

  1. Examine your own habits.  Are you starting the meeting 30 minutes late each week?  Are you not prepared when the women arrive?  You are helping to form the habits and expectations of the group.
  2. Begin the meeting when you have stated that it will begin.  If you plan to casually socialize each week for 30 minutes and then begin the discussion, make this known.  Don't be upset when some arrive in time for the discussion portion only.  Is it your expectation to begin the discussion at the stated start time?  Make this known as well and then stick to it.  Honor those who have managed their time and begin promptly.
  3. Don't make a fuss when someone arrives late.  If you stop the discussion to make a big "to-do" over the newcomer, you will lose the flow.  Allow the latecomer to step in and sit down quietly.  If you have a member that insists on making a big production of her arrival, ask her one-on-one to please sneak in quietly in the future so that the discussion can continue unhindered.
  4. Allow for life.  Sometimes, there is nothing a woman can do to get there on time.  It might be that her husband's work doesn't allow him to get home on time or that he doesn't make the effort.  Have grace for this woman- much of her life is likely difficult already.  In our group, one woman has an engagement earlier in the evening that doesn't allow her to arrive on time.  She kindly let me know and I assured her that I would leave the front door unlocked so that she can just slip in and join us.  It is not a disruption and we are so glad that she still attends even though it's a busy evening for her.
  5. Are you the latecomer? What can you do to add margin to your life so that you aren't habitually tardy?  Plan to leave a full 15 minutes early each week.  Even if you arrive 15 minutes early to your destination, you can sit in your car and have some quiet!  Are you late because you are afraid of making friends?  Ask the Lord for courage and make a plan to speak to just one woman when you arrive.  Also, consider the honor you are giving your leader by making the extra effort to be prompt.  It really will bless her.

There is an appointed time for everything.  And there is a time for every event under heaven. Eccl. 3:1

Having people arrive late can be trying to a leader's patience, especially if you are a chronically prompt person yourself.  Remember that the Lord gave you bountiful grace and you can certainly have grace for your group members.Any other ideas for handling latecomers in a gracious way?

Are You Being Filled? - Mom Heart LEADer Tip #5

If prayer is you speaking to God, then reading His Word is God speaking to you. The truth of the Scripture is food for your mind—spiritual nourishment for growing in maturity, faith, and wisdom. There is “milk” for the immature believer, and there is “meat” for the mature (Hebrews 5:11-14). God’s Word is “living and active” and goes deep into your “soul and spirit” (4:12). It is “inspired by God and profitable” for all that will make you mature (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It is God revealing His mind and heart to you, teaching you to be His follower, explaining spiritual realities, and guiding you with wisdom for life. You need His truth to teach others to follow Him. So, feed on God’s truth in His Word.canstockphoto0204177In the same way that you learn from God by reading and studying His Word on your own, you also learn from others who feed on God’s Word and then share what they learn in spoken messages and written books. Their insightful words can inspire, instruct, explain, explicate, and expand on the truths of God’s Word in ways you might miss. When you listen to or read the words of others who study and think deeply about God’s Word and the life of faith, you are nourished by the overflow of their maturity, wisdom, and insight—your mind is shaped and strengthened by their words. So, feed on God’s truth in the messages, books, and writings of other godly believers you respect and trust.

You cannot offer living water to the mothers in your group if your own spiritual well is not filled up.

You cannot be a faith-forming influence on others if your own faith is not being formed. Be sure you are being refreshed and nourished by God’s grace and truth so you will be able to refresh and nourish others from His grace and truth.Are you being filled so that you can pour out to the mothers around you?Excerpt taken from Taking Motherhood to Hearts.